Thursday, September 3, 2020

Mrs Dalloway And To The Lighhouse By Virginia Woolf Essays

Mrs Dalloway And To The Lighhouse By Virginia Woolf In her works, Virginia Woolf needed to catch the realness of life, as one would live it. Thus, Woolf's shared the huge components of her life in her wonderful exposition books, Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse, as a family member self-depiction. In these books Woolf caught the life as she had lived it, playing out this undertaking in three distinct layers of profundity. For a general sense, by permitting the characters to live in a comparative society as her own, Woolf portrayed her general public in her composition. From a more profound perspective, huge numbers of Woolf's relatives, connections, and attributes were emblematically shown through the minor artistic characters on an increasingly close to home level. Besides, Woolf showed her perspectives, convictions, and individual occasions through the soul of the primary characters. Ordinarily, individuals accept that Woolf had a perfect family. Naturally introduced to a noble family, her dad, Sir Leslie Stephen, was a prominent editorial manager, writer, and a biographer; her better half, Leonard Woolf, likewise was a blue-blood author, who had a participation in a scholarly circle, Bloomsbury Group, along with Virginia Woolf. So also, Woolf arranged the two Mrs. Dalloway and To the Beacon to be the tales of two refined families. Virginia Woolf lived from the late Victorian Era until the start of King George VI's rule, through both the peak of Britain's flourishing and political incomparability and the decay of such political force which was because of the First World War. However, in these advances of Britain's political status, new belief systems, for example, women's liberation, were creating. From the late Victorian Era to the furthest limit of First World War denoted a period in which the individuals endeavored to achieve the new convictions furthermore, belief systems, as a rule bringing about powerful developments. The majority of these thoughts were an absolute opposite of prewar conventions that were driven by Modernist, the examiners of convention, in artistic developments. Women's liberation was one of the well known new belief systems, which for the most part started through scholars, craftsmen, and ladies of the nobility, for they were the ones who were politically mindful of what was going on in Britain and on Continent. Besides, individuals, particularly the center and the high societies, delighted in colossal thriving that was gotten by government and the Industrial Revolution. Thriving attracted individuals to private enterprise furthermore, interests in remote nations, for individuals adored cash and were very voracious. In her composition, Woolf tended to these Victorian political qualities through the gathering of Richard Dalloway, Hugh Whitbread, and Woman Bruton in Mrs. Dalloway, where Lady Bruton proposes a venture for emigrating youngsters of both genders brought into the world of decent guardians and setting them up with a reasonable possibility of doing great in Canada. Lady Bruton's solid freedom as a pioneer shows the development towards resilience of ladies being in power. This scene additionally depicts individuals' rapacity, since this undertaking was intended to acquire a generous measure of benefit. What's more, the Victorian Time was a period of uncertainty, question, and incredulity towards God, for the most part due to Darwinism. Rubbing was made among profound quality and recently creating belief systems also, convictions. Albeit a dominant part of individuals despite everything went to chapel, numerous scholars what's more, craftsmen, particularly Modernists, would in general be progressively freethinker. In like manner Woolf demonstrated the rival sides, devotees and optimists, through the shock of Mrs. Dalloway against Miss Kilman, as Mrs. Dalloway has noted, Had she [Miss Kilman] even attempted to change over any one herself? Did she not wish everyone just to act naturally? Let her... on the off chance that she needed to; let her stop; at that point let her...There was something grave in it?but love and religion would pulverize that, whatever it was, the security of the spirit. The terrible Kilman would demolish it. Britain confronted a period of decrease because of the First World War which brought numerous progressions to individuals' lives, in spite of the fact that the blue-bloods were not as influenced by the war. Some post war impacts were forlornness, mental and enthusiastic disarranges, and crumbling ordinarily endured by center and lower classes. In Mrs. Dalloway, the Dalloway family is arranging a gathering while Septimus Smith, a white collar class veteran, is experiencing mental and passionate disarranges. Mrs. Dalloway is experiencing depression. Nonetheless, in To the Lighthouse, the Ramsay family, additionally blue-bloods, are experiencing the war because of the passing of their veteran child, Anthony Ramsay. Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are loaded up with images, outstandingly those that speak to or propose crucial individuals throughout Woolf's life. For instance, from her youth, her dad had extraordinary impact in Woolf's life, for it was a direct result of him that Woolf started to compose. Woolf exemplified her father

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Core Context Overview Ratios And Evaluation Finance Essay

Center Context Overview Ratios And Evaluation Finance Essay Kesko Corp is an enhanced retail business headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. Established in 1940, it manages food exchanging, coordinations, information and system the board, building and home improvement close by agrarian supplies, vehicle and apparatus exchanging. Aside from Finland, the organization works through auxiliaries like Kesko Food, Musta Porssi, Konekesko, Indoor, Intersport in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus and Latvia. 2. Center: Context, Overview, Ratios and Evaluation Setting: Outer Kesko has around 2,000 stores organized as chain tasks in parts of Nordic, Baltic, Scandinavian districts. Kesko and K-retailers involve K bunch which utilizes roughly 45,000 representatives with year 2011 turnover remains at â‚ ¬ 12 billion. By 2011, Kesko Corporation has around 19,000 representatives with net-deals around â‚ ¬ 9.46 billion. An expansion of 7.8% from a years ago (â‚ ¬ 8.77 billion). Finnish net-deals rose by 7.3% and different nations activities expanded by 10.1%. Primary drivers of achievement were food exchange, building, vehicle and apparatus business. Winning per-portion of 2011 stands at 1.85 contrasted with 2.08 in 2010. A profit of â‚ ¬ 1.2, 65% of the EPS was given. Keskos piece of the overall industry is 35% and neighborhood significant contenders are: S-Group (45%) Suomen Lahikauppa Worldwide contender incorporates: Lidl Interior Kesko is constrained by its investors. Investors choose the Board of Directors and Auditor. Kesko Group is overseen by the Board and the Managing Director who is additionally the President and CEO. Chief and President are chosen by the Board of Directors. The organization has Corporate Management Board having 7 individuals that control various divisions and obligations of the gathering. All Kesko Board individuals are non-official executives. In 2011 it was chosen by the Board that the entirety of its individuals are free of its companys investors. The Board guarantees that the companys organization, tasks and bookkeeping just as monetary administration controls are set up. Shareholding as beneath: The companys share capital is â‚ ¬ 197.2m. All out number of offers is 98.6m of which 31.7m are classed as An offers and 66.9m are B shares. Offer A conveys 10 votes and Share B one vote. Key gathering systems include: Development in Russian Regions Interest being developed of store arrange Improvement of web based business Solid productive development and increment investor esteem. With everything taken into account Keskos capital use in development remains at â‚ ¬ 425m in year-2011. Six new K-citymarket stores, 17 K-grocery stores in food business, 4 new K-rauta stores in building and home-improvement, 1 Kodin Ykkonen departmental store. The point is to open 10 new stores in Russia with approx. â‚ ¬600m consumption till 2015. Outline: Kesko: YEAR 2011 â‚ ¬m 2010 â‚ ¬m Turnover % Change 9,460 7.8% 8,776 Cost of Sales % Change 8163 8.17% 7546 Working Profit % Change 281 - 8.4% 307 Benefit after Tax % Change 197 - 8.8% 216 Working Cash stream % Change 215 - 51% 438 Capex % Change 427 30.2% 328 Absolute Debt (Long + Short term) % Change 400 - 16.1% 477 Absolute number of Employees % Change 18,960 4.1% 18,215 The contrast among expenses and deals decides the working benefit. Despite the fact that turnover is solid, decline in working benefit can be ascribed to increment in cost of deals. Costs likewise expanded and in totality influenced the benefit position. Increment in capital use is because of development in global markets and hardware which affected contrarily on the income position. Complete obligation position diminished which gives a solid indication of compelling utilization of organization assets. Representative number stays steady. Koninklijke Ahold: YEAR 2011 â‚ ¬m 2010 â‚ ¬m Turnover % Change 30,271 2.5% 29,530 Cost of Sales % Change 22,350 3.4% 21,610 Working Profit % Change 1,347 0.8% 1,336 Net gain % Change 1,017 19.2% 853 Working Cash stream % Change 1,786 - 15.4% 2,111 Capex % Change 881 - 21.1% 1117 Net Debt % Change 1,088 47.6% 737 All out number of Employees % Change 218,000 2.3% 213,000 In contrast with Kesko, Ahold is multiple times greater organization as above. c).Ratio Analysis The proportion investigation is comprised of execution, working capital, liquidity/dissolvability and investor proportions. Execution proportion is the means by which well the organization deals with its benefits and changes over them into income and how effectively changes over its deals into money. The better these proportions are the better an incentive for investors. Kesko in correlation with Ahold Execution figurings 2011 2010 Change in 2011 Tight 2011 Net edge 2011: 13.7% 14.0% - 0.3% 26.17% 1297/9460 2010: 1230/8776 Costs/deals 2011: 18.1% 18.4% - 0.3% 21.72% 1721/9460 2010: 1622/8776 Net margin* 2011: 2.9% 3.5% - 0.6% 4.45% 281/9460 2010: 307/8776 Resource turnover 2011: 3.6 3.4 0.2 2.92 9460/2565 2010: 8776/2550 Profit for 2011: 12.5% 13.9% - 1.4% 12.99% Capital 281/2233 utilized * 2010: 307/2210 Net edge has declined in light of increment in cost of deals sub-successively influencing the net edge. Marginally better resource turnover shows improved deals execution by each â‚ ¬ put resources into the given year. Given the retail idea of the business this is ordinary. ROCE doesn't involve colossal concern, anyway should be observed intently. The ROCE decay could be the decreased benefits ascribed to investors. Tight then again shows enormous numbers. From retail viewpoint, Keskos execution isn't awful in any way. There are not many dunks in the numbers which are regular for a value-based retail business. d).Working capital is utilized to quantify the companys momentary money related wellbeing. It is likewise called operational liquidity for the time of a year. Positive working capital can demonstrate that the organization can pay its momentary liabilities well. Negative working capital will build the danger of default on momentary liabilities. Keskos working-capital proportions Working Cap Counts 2011 2010 Change Tight 2011 Stock days 2011: 38.8 days 36.6 days 2.2 23.9 (isolated by CoS) 867 x 365/ 8,163 2010: 757365/7,546 Borrower days 2011: 27.0 days 25.8 days 1.2 9.1 (isolated by 700 x 365/9,460 deals) 2010: 620365/8776 Bank days 2011: 51.3 days 52.4 days - 1.1 39.8 (isolated by CoS) 1148 x 365/ 8,163 2010: 1,085 x 365/ 7,546 Some distinction year-on-year. Increment in stock days shows negative income and control on stock. Increment in account holder days is terrible for money consequently the money position. This could be poor assortment or value dealings for limits. Additionally appears as though clients are taking more time to pay. Early installments to loan bosses portray the diminishing in leaser days, an upright motion for providers yet not useful for money. (d).Liquidity and Solvency proportions likewise a proportion of companys capacity to pay its transient commitments additionally called a Quick proportion. This implies the present resources ought to exceed current liabilities to remain positive. It additionally demonstrates the companys capacity to meet intrigue installments. Higher the degree of capital contrasted with obligation, the lower these proportions are. Liquidity computations 2011 2010 Change Tight 2011 Current proportion 2011: 1.33 1.49 - 0.16 1.13 2161/1625 2010: 2407/1616 Basic analysis 2011: 0.80 1.02 - 0.22 0.81 2161-867/1625 2010: 2407-757/1616 Dissolvability 2011 2010 Change Tight 2011 Intrigue spread 2011: 13.40 18.05 - 4.65 281/21 4.01 2010: 307/17 Outfitting 2011: 0.18 0.21 - 0.03 0.56 400/2233 2010: 477/2210 Abatement in current proportion is expected to in-efficiencies in account holder and stock turnover. Setback in real money has weakened basic analysis which is more moderate than current proportion. Variety in intrigue spread is an up and coming concern given its retail scene and conceivable failure to meet its obligation commitments. Keskos cost of deals should be routed to all the more likely oversee benefits sub-successively improving its money stores to shield the premium spread deficit. Decline in equipping is a positive sign, demonstrating Keskos great segment of value is set up showing money related quality. e).Shareholders and Investment proportions Profit for value is the measure to perceive how much benefit is left for investors. Higher this proportion, higher the benefit for investors. Investors can choose to pull back this benefit or keep it put resources into the business as held profit. Gaining per share is a proportion of firms benefit. Profit spread is the occasions an organizations profits to investors is paid from its net benefits. Higher the spread, more the capacity to pay the investors. PE proportion estimates value contrasted with income. The greater the acquiring, progressively capability of ascend in future profit. Investor Estimations 2011 2010 Change Tight 2011 Proportions 2011: ROE 197/2,233 8.8% 9.7% 0.9 17.3% 2010: 216/2,210 2011: 1.85 2.08 0.1 0.92 EPS 197/99 2010: 216/99 2011: Profit Cover 1.85/1.20 1.54 occasions 1.6 occasions 0.06 2.30 EPS/Dividend 2010: Per share 2.08/1.30 PE Ratio 2011: 24.1/1.85 2010: 34.70/ 2.08 13.0 16.82* - 3.82 11.48 Low ROE is aftereffect of low benefit. Obligation in the organization likewise influences ROE, yet in Keskos case obligation has been diminished which probably won't be significant for decrease in ROE. Keskos increment in immaterial resources can likewise bring about low ROE. EPS is declined coming about because of decrease in working benefit, and conceivable increment in capital consumption from a year ago. Yet at the same time sensible and shows solid development potential. Profit spread is steady yet moderately lower than Ahold. PE proportion is declined from earlier year. This may show low market trust in 2011. * by-share/ f).Conclusion and Recommendation: Kesko is a solid organization with year-on-year development. Anyway year 2011 has failed to meet expectations. The yea

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cellular Signal Helps To Understand Basic †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Examine About The Cellular Signal Helps To Understand Basic? Answer: Introducation Having the privilege cell signal assists with understanding the essential of having signal or no sign. These recieving wires find wide application in building, vehicles, office and different spots that are of hugeness. Their utilization in vehicles and place of business has find broadest application particularly because of the security issues in the executives. Focal points They have improved signs qualities. The cell recieving wires are modest to introduce Most gadgets for cell recieving wires are effectively compact since most are introduced in the mobile phones. These recieving wires have promoters in the event that they are to be utilized in an enormous range area, for example, building. They are seen as generally advantageous for some clients since they can be handily set in undisclosed areas. Disservices They happen in a wide assortment in this way seeing the correct one demonstrates as a greater amount of agues work. Horn reception apparatuses The horn reception apparatuses are significantly utilized for 300 MHz to 3 GHz and frequencies that can reach up to 140 GHz. They come in different forms including H plane and E plane horn recieving wires. Horn reception apparatuses has a few points of interest. They appreciate the benefit of having constrained misfortune. This implies directivity of this sort of recieving wires is practically proportionate to the increase. The radio wires are likewise easy to make in contrast with other reception apparatuses. What's more these radio wires are natural. Then again, horn recieving wires of acoustic kind can be helpful transmission of sound waves, for example, the bull horn. Besides, the radio wires can be helpful in transmitting data to the dish reception apparatuses where it goes about as a methods for estimating standard increase Points of interest These reception apparatuses are directional with a pillar width of somewhere in the range of 500 and 700. This thusly implies they are valuable for getting lower quality signals as it were. The Yagi recieving wires have great range since their Psychology size get high gains. The Yagi recieving wires have system of sifting clamor that originates from different sides. Yagi reception apparatus have the benefit of being anything but difficult to mount on different structures. The Yagi reception apparatus are sold at moderately lower cost because of their effortlessness in contrast with different radio wires. Multiplexing is viewed as the demonstration of consolidating data streams that originate from various sources so as to transmit them over a mutual medium. In this frameworks each sender gets the chance to speak with a solitary beneficiary as it were. Multiplexing should be possible either in type of FDMA and CDMA. FDMA Frequency Division Multiplexing Access FDMA happens from simultaneous utilization of the media for transmission by complex sets of elements. For this situation, each pair is furnished with a private transmission way which cause them to appear just as they had a different physical transmission medium. A genuine case of FDMA is seen in the digital TV or the first simple phone framework. The phone has simple 300 Hz to 3400Hz voice signal being utilized to control subcarrier channels that were 12 and had frequencies going from 60 to 108 kHz. Multiplexing of the subcarrier frequencies came about into subcarriers with 312 to 552 kHz recurrence ranges. Note that a similar regulation strategy is utilized in each progression. Further use of the FDA framework were in the aviation telemetry framework. For this situation, it was utilized to oblige numerous sensor information which happened principally on one radio channel. Improvement in innovation brought about the utilization of TDMA in the examined application. Hindrances of Frequency Division Multiplexing Access Impedance happens in circumstances whereby the frequencies are of two channels De-multiplexing equipment must be at a situation to partition the consolidated signs it get into independent bearers. CDMA Code Division Multi Access This is an unadulterated method frequently alluded to as the spread range. It is both digitized and spread type of the simple frameworks. It has a one of a kind code that spreads voice signal over scope of 1.25MHz. It creates low force level signals that are portrayed by commotion. It can have numerous signs involving a similar channel simultaneously. Discovers application in third era wireless innovation. The CDMA not at all like FDMA doesn't depend on physical properties, for example, recurrence and time. It be that as it may, relies upon interesting scientific thought in which numerical qualities from orthologs are consolidated and isolated without bringing on any obstruction. In this circumstance, each sender of the sign has an extraordinary twofold code appointed to them. Remote association has become the best achievement in the present century. In actuality, it would stand a trial of time as one of the developments that would be utilized for such a significant number of years. Be that as it may, the need for steady improvement would make this innovation improve the world even a spot. The magnificence of remote association is that it got excellence and extensive size home and working regions since the various wired associations are being discarded. One of the utilization of remote association in the ongoing scene is in vehicle security. Most security lock arrangement of the vehicle on the planet today utilize the remote association. This makes it hard for thigs to break into vehicles since proprietors would be advised such huge numbers of meters away however either their cell phones or alerts in the keys. Be that as it may, this is only a tip of the ice shelf with respect to remote association frameworks. More frameworks of remote association are being peaked that would acquire extraordinary insurgency the world. Superfast remote association for HD Video This would assist advanced homes with having high speeds of spilling recordings. This is because of the need of most homes on the planet to streams motion pictures from locales, for example, Netflix, Hulu and so forth. Expanding WI-FI groups help lessen annoyances, for example, slow stacking time while gushing and the crossing out of associations. With fast remote association, synchronization and back up of data would be simpler. The speed of association would guarantee simple stockpiling of data in back up plans, for example, cloud which would carry upheaval to information stockpiling from the two people and associations. Tap and Go WI-FI The expansion in cell phone use all over world builds the need to get data. A great part of the data gotten is to adapt particularly in schools. First WI-FI would guarantee first procurement of data which would prompt improvement of learning. First progression of data would likewise make individuals all around educated in all aspects of the globe. In Essence this would make the world a littler worldwide town. Consistent sound and video spilling The best improvement is the utilization of consistent sound and video streams. This implies it is conceivable to tune in to sounds and recordings without utilization of wires. This is of incredible advantage to workplaces and homes. Instances of wires being eaten by rodents or same piece of the framework neglecting to work due to wiring issue would be diminished. The workplace would in this way look increasingly excellent with less wiring frameworks. References Bhargava, B., Wu, X., Lu, Y., Wang, W. (2004). Incorporating heterogeneous remote advances: a cell helped versatile specially appointed system (CAMA).Mobile Networks and Applications,9(4), 393-408. Cao, H., Leung, V., Chow, C., Chan, H. (2009). Empowering innovations for remote body zone advertises: A review and outlook.IEEE Communications Magazine,47(12). Pahlavan, K. (2011).Principles of remote systems: A brought together methodology. John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Wang, C. X., Haider, F., Gao, X., You, X. H., Yang, Y., Yuan, D., ... Hepsaydir, E. (2014). Cell design and key innovations for 5G remote correspondence networks.IEEE Communications Magazine,52(2), 122-130.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Trifles A One-act Play by Susan Glaspell - Free Essay Example

The play Trifles was written in the year 1916, with the context of the play being in a kitchen, and any surrounding that that portrays the lives of women in the 1900s. It demonstrates the preoccupation of the writer in a culture that defines roles for different genders and sex. A Trifles imply something of minor or no importance. The women in this society are portrayed as trifles, which has no any value only meant to stay in the kitchen. They do not seem to be of any great importance, whereas men are perceived as crucial by the roles they perform. During the 1900s, women were viewed as house wives who were expected to cook, clean, and take care of the children. With not much of a choice, women were to accept such treatment from society. Glaspell was a Pulitzer prize-winning actress, playwright, and novelist. Even though she was born in a male-dominated era, Glaspell succeeded and became a reporter where she covered murder cases and investigations. She quit being a reported to fulfil her dream and began writing and publishing fiction stories. Not only did Glaspell regard herself primarily as a fiction writer, but she was critically accepted as an American novelist of integrity and importance in the mid 1930s (Carpentier 93). Although most of her stories and plays were short, it gave her the prestige and recog nition for the impact in her writing. She wrote most of her plays to have a message about women and their roles in society, and their relationships between men and women. Most of her writing was geared towards feminism because she wanted to show how differently women were treated through her plays. This disrespect is portrayed in her most popular play Trifles (1876-1948). As Galens highlights, Trifles is a murder mystery that explores gender relationships, power between the sexes, and the nature of truth. The context of this study surround the murder of John Wright, found lying on the bed in his house having been strangled. Minnie Foster-Wright, Johns wife, is treated as the first suspect of the killing. The women in the play, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale are the main participants alongside the county attorney, a witness and Mrs. Hales husband. In the approaches of the murder scene the men seem to be more worried about judging Mrs. Wrights housekeeping, whereas the women, knowing the h ardships of housekeeping, approach it as a home. The men within this play betray a sense of self-importance. They present themselves as tough, serious-minded detectives when in truth, they are not nearly as observant as the female characters. (Bradford) The viewing of crime by both men and women is portrayed to be differently. The women had information about the suspect of the murder from the evidence they witnessed in the kitchen. However, due to the ongoing abuse of women in the society they opt to cover up for their counterpart. On the other hand, men do not consider entering the kitchen to where the evidence is open. This is because the men treat the kitchen as the affair and world of women and as a result of this they end up leaving an open truth behind. During the witnessing of the crime scene investigation, while in the kitchen, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale instantly observe the type of life Mrs. Wright has been living- one that is isolated and supressed. As a result, they end up keeping quiet and hiding the evidence at the end of the play. This portrays the level of dominance of men in society and how women were forced to live in a different environment from other people, such as in kitchens as evident on Mrs. Wrights case. The men further demonstrate dominance over women by the fact that women are not allowed to contribute to the investigation although they could have offered better solutions leading to the apprehension of the suspect. However, despite the dominance of the men, their competence and the effectiveness remained questionable leading to no fruitful findings. Rob Hardy (202) analysed that Mr. Peters, the sheriff, has come looking for clues- but its the women, with an eye for the details of domestic life, who come closest to reconstructing the crime. In the scene of the crime, women seem to be closely united. The use of symbolism in the story shows the level of women in society. For instance, the shattered jar of cherries preserves represents a womans hard work during the hot long days of summer. Mrs. Hale instantly sympathized with Mrs. Wright Theres a great deal of work to be done on a farm Can a woman be justified in murdering a husband who has psychologically abused her? (Rudnick 389). The caging of the bird in the house demonstrates another instance of men dominance in society over women. Symbolically, the living of bird in the cage demonstrates the kind of life Minnie was living- a life that was minimal and had no freedom. Mrs. Wright, as many women during that time, was not allowed to freely move out of the house and escape such instances. The murdering of her husband was the only escape she had to freedom. As David M. Galens stated, Minnie, is driven to kill her husband as a result of the hopelessness and desperation she feels from her isolated and joyless life. This illustration describes the level of confinement of the women in society and the level of misuse up to the extent of not being allowed to mix with others. The approach of seeking the evidence that would lead to the identification of the suspect by both genders was quite different from that of women eme rging more effective and successful. This act as evidence that women have the capability of realizing little things, trifles, while men do not pay any attention to these minor but important details. The bonding of women evidenced in the play had resulted from the fact that they shared the same background of oppression, dissatisfaction, and frustrations, resulting from the gender differences. This made them live in sympathy of each other. The hiding of the bird was a form of unity amongst the women with a motive of challenging the judiciary system that was dominated by men. They were making every possible effort to protect Mrs. Wright from being identified as the suspect to the murder of her husband, John Wright. Author Orit Kamir (70) noted: Glaspells women realize that accepting the legal systems interpretation of Minnie would entail accepting a system of meaning in which all abused women are either evil or crazy. It is a system of meaning that excludes their perspective, obviating their subjecthood and status as human beings. It is a system of power that is bluntly and blatantly set against them, one that is inherently unjust and dangerous to them as women. Accepting it would mean self-denial and self-annihilation. Resistance and disobedience are therefore acts of self-defense and self-preservation whereby the women preserve their dignity, humanity, and sanity. They have endured hard work, isolation, daily patronizing, and mockery, but this legal dismissal and dominance threaten the core of their existence, and they must confront it. And since it is a women that the law challenges them, they unite against it as a community of women. Mrs. Wright was a beautifully caged bird that was trapped in the darkness of her marriage with John Wright. This portrays the level of men dominance in society to the extent that women are not allowed to exercise their freedom and passion. Killing of bird that was the only company Mrs Wright had symbolized the willingness of the men to dominate the women in the society. Mrs. Wright was also not allowed to socialize with the outsiders, for instance, there existed no telephone in their house despite being trapped there for long . From the narration, (Mrs. Wright) used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girl singing in the choir. But that-oh, that was thirty years ago. She was previously well known as a good singer in the church choir specifically before her marriage. However, after her marriage, there was a drastic change. Her beloved bird kept her company during those lonely days since she did not have any children. The dominance of her husband changed her personality making her to live a life full of limits. Contrary to viewing the home as an arena of comfort, most of the women viewed their homes as a ground full of oppression and abuses. Reflecting the living of Mrs. Wright, her home was just a ground of torture and psychological abuse, where all she lived with is fear that took a better part of her. Mrs. Wrights house was dominated by silence. The extent of silence is symbolically demonstrated by the nonexistence of telephone in Minnies house and the violent murder of the bird, the closest company she had was the bird her husband possibly killed. This is clear evidence that there exists a higher possibility that Mrs. Wright was being abused by her husband leading to her isolation from the church choir and the fellow women. The violated individuals tend to isolate themselves from others in fear of being asked what they go through. The life of Mrs. Wright is clear evidence that not all women are content with their marriage life, but instead opt to hide their problems from their friends and extended relatives. Women do this in their attempt to prevent their marriages from breaking. Mrs. Hale reminds us how difficult it can be to be a woman with oppressionI know how things can be-for women. I tell you, its queer, Mrs. Peters. We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same thing-its all just a different kind of the same thing (45). In conclusion, from the observation of various happenings and the unfolding of the play, the writer has demonstrated the increase of dominance in the society. Here, the man expresses the patriarchal relations and regard themselves to be more senior than the women. Example of such instances is when the males arrived at John Wrights home as investigators while the women arrived as mere witnesses and their opinions about the solution in the investigation is disregarded. The denial of freedom to the women also expresses the state of oppression that women experience at their homes. For instance, Mrs. Wright had been trapped in her house by her husband. This violates her freedom of movement and association with others. The killing of the company she had, a bird, is also open evidence of the violation of women rights in the society. Mrs. Hale described Mrs. Wright (as being) a bird herself- real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and-fluttery. How-she-did-change. However, at various instan ces of the play, there is a description of the attempts the women are making in the protection of their affairs. Women unify and stand for one another in a potential threat resulting from the dominance of the males. Hiding of the bird that could have acted as a motive shows the level of support among the women. Besides, the women successfully give evidence and other forms of assistance leading to the identification of the suspect in the murdering of John more effectively than men could manage.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Criminal Law Proceedings All Over Tv Nowadays Essay

Type of Proceeding We see romanticized versions of criminal law proceedings all over TV nowadays. In the popular show CSI: we see detectives using futuristic looking gadgets and other highly unrealistic â€Å"investigative† methods to try to find the bad guy. I knew that shows like this are far from reality, but I wanted to see for myself just how much of a fantasy they really are. To accomplish this mission, I had to go see a trial for myself. I chose to see a criminal trial proceeding because these cases tend to be more engaging, they will help me differentiate between fact and fiction in media, and have more relevance to me as I want to pursue a career in Criminal Law. By viewing a trial live and in person, I hoped to get a first hand experience of the hard work, skill, and dedication it takes to survive a career in law. Research Prior to attending the trial in person, it is important to have a basic understanding of criminal trial proceedings. Otherwise, the trial will just sound like jargon and nonsense to an uninformed viewer. A criminal trial begins with an arrest, followed by an initial appearance. At the initial appearance, the accused is informed of the charges against them, bail is set (if applicable) and the preliminary trial is scheduled (Neubauer and Meinhold, 213). During the preliminary trial the charges against the accused are reviewed to see if probable cause exists to continue holding the subject. In the early stages of a trial, the defendant is much moreShow MoreRelatedTopics Otvety3754 Words   |  16 Pagespowerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power, because they control the minds of the masses.† (Graham Greene, English writer) [(a) define the notion of mass media; (b) classify all the existing ty pes of mass media (print and electronic); (c) explain the functions fulfilled by the media and comment on the recent trends]. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marraige Counceling - 5817 Words

ASSIGNMENT 02 NAME: Monica Schellingerhout PO BOX: PO Box 11979 Wierda Park South 0057 MODULE: MGG201W SEMESTER CODE: Year Module ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 02 STUDENT NUMBER: 4396-359-5 ASSIGNMENT DATE: 2011-07-25 Contents 1 PART 1 3 1.1 PREMARITAL COUNSELLING 3 1.1.1 Definition of premarital counselling 3 1.1.2 Purpose of Premarital Counselling 3 1.1.3 Purpose of the Helper 4 1.1.4 Relavent Core Relational Conditions 4 1.1.5 Degree Of Structure Needed 5 1.1.6 In What Format Does Counselling Take Place 5 1.2 MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT 7 1.2.1 Definition of Marriage Enrichment 7 1.2.2 Purpose of†¦show more content†¦Through premarital counselling, couples are encouraged to discuss a wide range of important and intimate topics related to marriage, such as: †¢ Finances †¢ Communication †¢ Beliefs and values †¢ Roles in marriage †¢ Affection and sex †¢ Children and parenting †¢ Family relationships †¢ Decision making †¢ Dealing with anger †¢ Time spent together †¢ Social activities Premarital counselling helps partners improve their ability to communicate, set realistic expectations for marriage and develop conflict resolution skills. In addition, premarital counselling can help couples establish a positive attitude about seeking help with their marriages down the road. Keep in mind that you bring your own values, opinions and personal history into a relationship, and they may not always match your partners. Furthermore, many people go into marriage believing it will fulfil their social, financial, sexual and emotional needs — and thats not always the case. In discussing differences and expectations before marriage partners can better understand and support each other during marriage. Early intervention is important because the risk of divorce is highest early in marriage. By Mayo Clinic staff 3 Purpose of the Helper The helper facilitates self-exploration of the partners through education, in order for the couples to examine their

Brave New World Compared to Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example For Students

Brave New World Compared to Fahrenheit 451 Essay Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 are two books, both of which are supposed to be set in the future, which have numerous theme similarities throughout them. Of all their common factors, the ones that stand out most would have to be first, the outlawed reading of books; second, the preservation of health and youth at almost any cost and the keeping of people happy and stress-free; and third, the theme of the protagonist as being a loner or an outcast from society because of his differences in beliefs as opposed to the norm. Well look first at the concept of outlawed reading. To us this sounds very strange. In the societies of both of these books, however, it is a common and almost completely unquestioned law. In Brave New World reading is something that all classes are conditioned against from birth. In the very beginning of the novel we see a group of infants who are given bright, attractive books but are exposed to an explosion and a shrieking siren when they reach out for them. This thus prevents them from wanting the books and causes them to scream and shrink away in horror at the mere sight of the books. In reference to the accomplishment of this conditioning, the director said, Books and loud noises. ..already in the infant mind these couples are compromisingly linked; and after two hundred repetitions of the same or a similar lesson would be wedded indissolubly. What man has jointed, nature is powerless to put asunder, (Huxley 21-22). We come to learn that the basic reasoning behind this conditioning against reading in Brave New World was because you couldnt have lower-caste people wasting the Communitys time over books, and there was always the risk of their reading something which might undesirably decondition one of their reflexes (Huxley 22). In Fahrenheit 451 the outlawing of book reading is taken to an even greater extent. In this novel the whole purpose of a firefighter isnt to put out fires, rather it is to start fires. The reading of books in their society is completely forbidden and if someone is suspected of even owning a book, the firefighters are dispatched to go to that persons residence and start a fire. They start fires for the sole purpose of destroying books, as illustrated here, They pumped the cold fluid from the numeraled 451 tanks strapped to their shoulders. They coated each book, they pumped rooms full of it the whole house is going up (Bradbury 38). Another common factor of the two novels is the extent to which each society works to preserve its people as both young and healthy and content. In Brave New World the people have soma, the feelies, they are never alone, theyre conditioned to like their job, and life for them is just made easy. Soma is what the people in Brave New World use to go on holiday. It is like the perfect drug with no side effects. It simply puts its users in a state of euphoria. According to Mustapha Mond himself, soma is to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering.. .anybody can be virtuous now (Huxley 238). The feelies are yet another concept of the Brave New World designed simply for the comfort and enjoyment of the people. The people experience the movies in not only the visual sense, but they also feel and smell what is going on, almost as if it really is. .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f , .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .postImageUrl , .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f , .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:hover , .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:visited , .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:active { border:0!important; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:active , .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2c122dd84ea1c36c1f3d756114d4ba4f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The house on mango street Essay The structure of their whole lifestyle is made in such a way so that the people are never alone. Mond even says,But people never are alone we make them hate solitude; and we arrange their lives so its almost impossible for them to ever have it (Huxley 235). The different castes are also conditioned to like their jobs. This maintains stability because everyone does their job without complaint and remains happy. According to Mond, they like their work. ..Its light, its childishly simple. No strain on the mind or the muscles. Seven and a half hours of mild, unexhausting labour, and the the soma ration and games and unrestricted copulation and the feelies. What more can they ask for? (Huxley224). As far as life being made easy for them goes, Mond says, There isnt any need for a civilzed man to bear anything thats seriously unpleasant (Huxley 236). Similarly, in Fahrenheit 451, the people have television walls. We learn about their purpose, importance,and value from the character Mildred. In regards to the walls, Mildred tells Guy, Its really fun. Itll be even more fun when we can afford to have the fourth wall installed.. .itd be just like this room wasnt ours at all, but all kinds of exotic peoples rooms (Bradbury 20-21). As far as youth or health preservation goes, in the very beginning of Fahrenheit 451 we see an example of this. Guy comes home to find Mildred in bed, overdosed on pills. He called the emergency hospital and they came. They had this machine. They had two machines, really. One of them slid down into your stomach like a black cobra down an echoing well looking for all the old water and the old time gathered there. It drank up the green matter that flowed to the top in a slow boilthe bloodstream in this woman was new and it seemed to have done a new thing to her. Her cheeks were very pink and her lips were very fresh and full of color and they looked soft and relaxed (Bradbury 14, 16). The final and one of the most evident of the similarities in these two books would have to be the fact that the main character in both books was basically an outcast or a loner from society. In Brave New World this is , at different times, a different character. First we meet Bernard Marx as our outcast. He thinks just a little more than the average man in his society. He and his friend Helmholtz Watson are two men who stand apart because they actually think rather than drone around like the rest of the people. Bernard is also much smaller than most other alphas and has a hard time both getting women and getting lower castes to do what he says. When speaking of Bernard, one of the women says, They say somebody made a mistake when he was still in the bottle- thought he was a Gamma and put alcohol in his blood-surrogate. Thats why hes so stunted (Huxley 46). It isnt until Bernard gains guardianship over John that he is anything but an outcast. For the first time in his life he can get any woman he wants and he even believes he has power. However, after things fall apart and the savage is no longer under his control, Bernard goes back to being an outcast and is even eventually sent off to an island by himself. The second person viewed as an outcast in Brave New World would be John the savage. He never fits in while he lives on the reservation because of who his mother is and what shed done to the reservation. He is constantly secluded from activities and looked down upon, as we see here, He went with the others.. .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b , .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .postImageUrl , .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b , .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:hover , .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:visited , .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:active { border:0!important; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:active , .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u29a0f493b9b554efbc9489cc6a0d5b6b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Personal Experience with Fear Essay.suddenly one of the men stepped forward, caught him by the arm, and pulled him out of the ranks Not for you, white-hair! (Huxley 136). Though he too has his period of acceptance when he comes to the Brave New World, he ultimately returns to his solitary ways. In the end, despite Monds wishes to continue with the research, John ran away and moved into an abandoned light tower to live as a recluse. Similarly, in Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag is pretty much a loner himself. Though he is a firefighter, he secretly steals more and more books and the more he reads, the less he believes in burning them. He cannot tell anyone of this, even his wife, because they will surely turn him in. Eventually, though, Guys secret is discovered and the rest of the story consists of the chase after him by the police as well as the electronic hound. He makes his get away alone and though he meets others along the way, he travels alone. The other loner in this book is Clarisse. Clarisse new she was an outcast and even said, Im afraid of children my own age. They kill each other.. .Im responsible. I was spanked when I needed it, years ago. And I do the shopping and house cleaning by hand (Huxley 30). Outlawed reading, contentment, youthfulness and health of the people, and society outcast- these three themes are, to me, the most evident in the two books. I find it incredibly fascinating that two different authors can both write books on the future and have them similar in so many ways. If you look past their similarities though, both of these books were very well written and really leave you wondering just what the future will hold. Works CitedBrave New World. Huxley, Aldous. Perennial Classics. New York, 1989. Fahrenheit 451. ..The Temperature At Which Books Burn. Bradbury, Ray. Ballantine Books. New York, 1979.