Sunday, April 19, 2020

Kelvin Estevez Essays (414 words) - Case Law,

Kelvin Estevez Diversity in Criminal Justice Assignment No. 5 Professor D. Dykes Fall/2016 DUE: DECEMBER 6, 2016 What is the meaning of the Defense of Marriage Act? September 21, 1996 is a United States federal law that, prior being to being ruled unconstitutional, defined marriage for federal purpose as the union of one man and woman, and allowed states to refuse to recognize same sex marriages granted under the law of other states. What was the Supreme Court's ruling in Hollingsworth v. Perry? Same sex has the fundamental right to marry. What was the Supreme Court's ruling in United States v. Windsor? U.S supreme court ruled that federal government cannot discriminate against married lesbian/gay couples for the purpose of determination federal benefits and protection. What is the name of the first New York City Police Officer who announced he was gay? Sgt Charles Cochrane. What is the definition of homophobia? A hatred of gay persons. Disapproval or fear of homosexual. What is the definition of situational homosexuality and give an example? Situational homosexuality behavior that occurs between two persons who are otherwise heterosexual this in contingent upon the environment that people find themselves. For example, when a man is incarcerated and get sexual involved without with other man because there is no woman around. What was the supreme court's ruling in Romer V Evans? U.S supreme court struck down a Colorado constitutional amendment that denied gay men and lesbians anti-discrimination protection. What was the name of the Hate Crime Statute passed by President Obama? Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr which expanded hat crime legislation to gender, sexual identity, orientation and disabilities. What is the Daughters of Bilitis? The first lesbian organization which started in San Francisco. What is the Mantachie Society? The first gay organization that fought society for gay rights and equalities. Define the 1845 Statute? Explained that people cannot masquerade in drag and must wear 3 pieces of clothing that pertained to their gender. What was the court's decision in Lawrence v. Texas? The U.S Supreme Court struck down anti-sodomized. What is the gay panic defense? It's a legal strategy like temporary insanity or diminish capacity to which the defendant claims to be a target of a homosexual advancement by the victim. Define primary and secondary victimization? Primary- when they are directly victimized by the people. Secondary- Essentially double victimized by society, particularly when they seek assistance for initial victimization that they have endured.

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